Sissy phone sex

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Sissy Phone Sex

Looking for great sissy phone sex, then you have finally found it. I love dressing up my sissy boys in sexy and silky lingerie, just like mommy wears. Mommy can teach you how to be a sexy lady, I give all my sissy boys make-up lessons and help them to shop for lingerie that turns them on and then you can model it for mommy.  Don't forget to have your sex toys handy when you call me, You will learn how to give great oral sex, without gagging and you will lick up and swallow all the cum, theirs and yours, be a good little clean up boy. If you are a cross dresser and need some direction from a dominant female advisor, then give me a call. Have all your makeup, frilly female clothes, your favorite lube and sex toys ready when you make that sexy phone call to me. I am into men with a foot fetish too, it's so sexy to have a foot boy service my soft feet, take good care of my feet, silky nylons and high heels and I will give you a wonderful foot job. Anything goes, so call me and tell me all about your taboo roleplays that get you hot!